Pumpkin is
hard, has knobbly-looking skin, is shaped like a squat pumpkin, and has a dull-finished,
deep green skin with some celadon-to-white stripes and an intense yellow-orange
color on the inside. In many respects it is similar to the Buttercup squash,
but without the characteristic cup on the blossom end. It is a member of the
species Cucurbita maxima, along with the Hubbard and Buttercup squashes.
An average kabocha weighs 2-3 pounds but can weigh as much as 8 pounds.
has an exceptional naturally sweet flavor, even sweeter than butternut squash. It is
similar in texture and flavor to a pumpkin and
a sweet potato combined. Some can taste like Russet potatoes. Like other
squash-family members, it is commonly mixed in side dishes and soups or
anywhere pumpkin, potato, or other squash would be.
Varieties – Arjuna
Weight per Unit – 18 kilogram in sack or carton box
Boxes per pallet – 48 pending weight restrictions, normally sent loose on
container floor
Sizing – 4-5 fruits per box or sack 18kg
Storage Temperature – +10 Celsius or +50 Fahrenheit
Consolidation – may be shipped with root crops
Availability – year round, best between January and September