The chayote (Sechium edule), also known as christophene or christophine, cho-cho, mirliton or merleton (Creole/Cajun), chuchu (Brazil), Cidra (Antioquia, Caldas, Quindio and Risaralda regions of Colombia), Guatila (Boyacá and Valle del Cauca regions of Colombia), Centinarja (Malta), Pipinola (Hawaii), pear squash, vegetable pear, chouchoute, choko, güisquil (El Salvador) is an edible plant belonging to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, along with melons, cucumbers and squash.
Chayote is originally native to Mexico or Central America where it grows abundantly, and it has been introduced as a crop all over Latin America, and worldwide. Costa Rican chayotes are prodominately shipped to European, USA, Canadian markets as well as locations throughout the Caribbean Islands.
Variety – Chow Chow or sometimes referred to as squash
Weight per box – 17 kilogram (40 lb) gross weight, or 8kg – 24 unit pack
Boxes per pallet – 54 or 60 pending weight restrictions (40lb), 96 per pallet
(8kg or 24 unit)
Sizing – 350 -450 grams per fruit
Storage Temperature – +7.5 – 10 Celsius or +45 - 50 Fahrenheit
Consolidation – may be shipped with pineapple and root crops
Availability – year round